Irlako webean artikulu hau jarri dute soccer leagueri buruz:
Eta hau gure umetako bakoitzari buruz:
- Xavier Martinez was omnipotent during the games... he was everywhere, right behind the ball. Egi oso-osoa da!
- The green team's power comes from a strong offense often carried by Manuel Correa, Liebe Martinez, and Tenzin Dhasel. (Nahiz eta Libe defentsa lanetan ibili den... ederki ibili ere)
- Ander Martinez who zoomed across the field with determination and solid skills.
- Maren Martinez is one of the best defender in the Seniors' league; with her Spanish background (ejem...), she held off 90% of the attacks against her defensive position.
- Eunateri buruz ez dute ezer berezia idatzi, baino sekulako defentsa lank egin ditu bere taldean.
Xabier's team
Ander's team
Libes's team
Eunate's team
Maren's team