Gure seme-alabak egiten ari diren lanaz arro gaude, gogoz saiatzen ari dira eta guretzat hori da garrantzitsuena, norberak bere hoberena ematen saiatzea, hortik aurrera, emaitzak direnak izango dira. Egia esan emaitzekin ere oso pozik gaude, denek bere lanaren pareko saria jaso dute eta. Deigarriena akaso, Eunaterena izan da, zikloa bukatzen zuen eta hemen garrantzi handia ematen diote horrelako gauzeei. Iaz Marenekin bizi izan genuen bere graduazioa eta aurten Eunateri tokatu zaio eta zinez polita da horrelako seriotasun eta protokoloarekin etapa bati amaiera ematea. Gizarte honetan badakite ondo egindako lana baloratzen. Han hori egiteari beldurra diogula dirudi, denok berdin eta kitto. Hemen ikasle hoberenak hitzaldi txiki bat eman behar dute eta ondoren ikasgaiz-ikasgai bi hoberenei errekonozimendu publikoa azaltzen zaie ere. Nire ustez, ikasleak ikasten jarraitzeko behar den motibazioa lortzeko balio dute horrelakoak. Egun horretan ikasleak oso inportante sentitu ziren.
Eunatek gauzak oso ondo egin ditu eta denon aurrean hitz egitea tokatu zitzaion. Pentsa dezakezuen bezala malkoei ezin eutsi egon ginan Ixa eta biok. Hau da Eunatek idatzi eta irakurri zuen testu ederra:
Even though middle school had its down sides like everything, we all worked extremely hard to be up here on the stage getting our diplomas and getting ready for high school. For me, middle school was just another 3 years of school, but what made it different was the way those 3 years were spent. In this case, middle school has been amazing and this school has actually made it possible to use the words “fun” and “school” in the same sentence. Another reason why attending this school has been a great experience was because I have met a variety of different people. Also, I acknowledged that there is always something to learn from each and every person.
When I first stepped in PS/IS 217 I was terrified because I didn't really understand English and I wasn't sure if people would either like me or just ignore me. School was hard in the beginning, but after putting all my effort in and with the help of my parents, friends and teachers I was able to get to the point I am at right now. The first time I went home with homework I did not know what I was doing but then my mother came and helped me every day until I was able to work by myself. Not only that, but I would also come early to school a lot of times to ask for help from teachers. In my opinion, a small help from a person might mean a lot to another and I am extremely thankful that people around me put in that extra effort to help me.
I remember when we all went to Philadelphia in 7th grade. It was a really meaningful time for me because that was the first time I started getting to know people in my class. Keiko was the first person that I really had a conversation with and I noticed that it did not matter where we came from, we still had many things in common. In addition, none of my classmates will ever forget winning guard the pin, we were all so excited! The whole class united and worked together to win the tournament even though the boys always took the lead.We will also all miss the great times we had in class laughing and bothering each other. As you can see, all of us will miss all the great times we spent with each other and I don’t think that anyone in here is going to regret attending this school.
There are many people in this room at this moment that I would like to thank and two of the most important people are my parents for bringing me to this extraordinary school and supporting me until the end. Also, my teachers are to thank for taking me in the mornings and after school every time I needed help and for never giving up on me. Finally, all of my friends that I made are all different but what we all have in common is that we will never forget how much time we spent in PS/IS 217 with each other and how important it is to care for each other.
Johnny Depp was once quoted saying, “If there’s any message to my work, it is ultimately that it’s OK to be different, that it’s good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different, is a different color.” That quote from Johnny Depp really expresses what this school has taught us. We all learned numerous things from each other and the school. As I mentioned before, every person has something to show or teach others.
Every student that attended this school will always have their respect for each person no matter what or where they go. In addition to that, our future will absolutely be influenced by this school because they told us how important it is to work hard and never give up on anything. Everyone on this stage with me knows that high school is another step further for success but we still have to work hard to achieve all of our goals.
Zorionak eta mila esker!
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